Birds around of Yucatán

Did you know that not every bird you see is of the same species or as is normally believed?
The Yucatan Peninsula is one of the richest states in biodiversity at the national level, so its vegetation makes it the perfect place for many species of birds, from native birds to year-round residents, to migratory birds.
Blue Jay (Cyanocorax Yucatanicus)

The state of Yucatán hosts 445 of the 558 species already registered for the state. this in turn represents 50 percent of all birds reported in the country; the species are diverse, as shown by the fact that they belong to 68 of the 75 families found in this region, according to the information provided by the researcher Bárbara MacKinnon.

Of these birds, 209 are migrants, such as some types of hummingbirds, warblers, bluebirds, grosbeaks, and swallows, and 130 are wintering, arriving in the fall to spend the cold season. There are another 48 passers-by, who make a stopover on the way to the lands of the Southern Cone, that is, they descend to South America.

Likewise, there are 31 species called occasional, which are rarely seen, and a small, but very important, group of 16 endemic species, including the split-tailed hummingbird and the Yucatecan rattle, two groups of birds natives of Yucatan that must be addressed, since they have reduced their population and are in danger of extinction.

Yucatan Wren (Canpylorhynchus Yucatanicus)

Thinking globally and acting locally, with small actions such as recycling, reusing, and planting a tree, as well as reducing the use of air conditioners, plastic straw bags, riding a bicycle, and planting a tree contribute to the slowdown of global growth. global warming, and with it the lives of some species are saved, and in the long run, of man.

Both animal species and vegetation are important within ecosystems, which are threatened by multiple factors generated by the human species.

Blog by Isaac Uicab 


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