

What is camping?

Camping is an activity that consists of temporarily staying in a "dwelling", this is usually in cabins or tents, which are usually located in places more exposed to nature such as forests, mountains, it can be on a beach, etc.

Camping in Merida:

Here in Merida the camping is not very regular, but normally they are activities that usually have specific places for it, there are archaeological zones, parks or other places that have a designated area for people who want to do this activity.

Personal experiences:

In my experience camping, I can say that I have camped in 4 different types of places, I have camped on the beach, in the forest, in the jungle which is the vegetation of Merida and in a park designated for the activity. Camping in beaches, forest and jungle is very different from camping in places like parks or archaeological zones with camping areas, because in the first 3 mentioned, you have to take much more precautions as it is not a controlled place, because sometimes if something happens, the emergency response is not as fast as in other places, now in the last mentioned is more amateur since they are more controlled places and with better security.


  1. camping

    I think that camping is a topic very popular and interesting for the majority of people because I think that all people know about the topic or minim the majority had heard about camping.

    I think that a grand part of people had gone camping at least one time in their life, might be that went when there were children or teenager because went when their class organized a journey to go camping or when their families went to the beach or the forest, but I think that the majority of the people that had gone to camping, had gone in a zone dedicated for this activity.

    In my case, I went camping in the forest but in a zone dedicated to camping with my friends and I can say that is an activity very funny and enjoyable specifically at night because we can see the stars in the sky, and can tell histories around the campfire and can roast bonbons.


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