The importance of music in our lives.

 Listening to our favorite song can generate different emotions or feelings in oneself, mainly nostalgia, happiness, sadness, excitement and tranquility. It can notably increase our mood, making us have more energy and see things in a more positive way.

It is proven that listening to music decreases stress and reduces depression as it has a direct effect on our hormones, it can even be considered a natural antidepressant, so it guarantees our general well-being, this because certain melodies generate the release of serotonin causing us a great feeling of happiness.

During learning, listening to music is usually a great help for people because it increases concentration to be able to retain more data when studying a particular subject. It also decreases boredom and fatigue, helping us to be more constant and have more motivation to do things.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Remember to listen to your favorite music whenever you need to! ❤


  1. Why is music good for the brain? This is the good question for know to that
    Music has been shown to activate some of the broadest and most diverse networks of the brain. Of course, music activates the auditory cortex in the temporal lobes close your ears, but that´s just the beginning. The parts of the brain involved in emotion are not only activated during emotional music, they are also synchronized.
    Okay, the music promote well-being, enhance learning, stimulate cognitive function, improve quality of life and in different casses induce hapiness. All these is because music can activate almost all brain regions and networks, it can help to keep a myriad of brain pathways and networks strong.
    Music has something magical many times, you can connect music with moments or people and keep them forever; that's why it happens a lot when a person is in love and dedicates so many songs to his or her partner to remind him or her of those songs. I don't know what it is about music, personally it brings me out when I am going through different problems, I don't know many times if it is the lyrics, the music or the connection between the song and me that I want to keep enjoying that moment.
    I can say that music is not only a song that someone is interpreting, it goes beyond that to the people who listen to it. It is something that without knowing that you needed it, you need it, because it causes you happiness, strength, sadness. Simply music is something that must remain to have that balance in our minds.

  2. In my opinion I considered that the music is important in our lives due to that you can listen to the music when you feel sad, happy, alone, etc., and it can better your state of spirit, also the music is used how a medication for solve or treat some illnesses like stress, anxiety due to brainwaves which it can transmit, in some cultures the music plays a role very important as they considering that exist other mental state and to get in is necessary enter a mental state which is possible when you are in a specific frequency ang many people to obtain this state they listen music this is only an one application of the music, also I think that when you listen the music you are happy because you forgot all the things that happens in the moment and you lost in a new world where you have of control about all, so don’t forgot listen music when you fell something unpleasant… music is live…


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