Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts users' access to it until a ransom is paid to unlock it. Ransomware variants have been observed for several years and often attempt to extort money from victims by displaying an on-screen alert.

It encrypts private or sensitive files that are located on a hard disk. At first the user has no access to this information. The malware also blocks easy access to the computer.

How to prevent it: 

·        Avoid disclosing personal information.

·        Do not open suspicious email attachments.

·        Keep your programs  system up to date.

·        Use only known download sources.


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  3. Back in some years, not so many people take care of this type of information, move with the expanding growth of technological easement management in business and normal life, it's more important these days to take care I'm getting information in order to avoid this type of problems or even in some cases danger situations. People say that it's a person to be informed of the dangers or even the way these practices are done, you may be a little bit safer, but not completely because these types of actions are constantly changing and have new ways to attack people Internet. Another alternative to having a reinforcement of your data would be having an extra hard drive copy of your data made every month as a minimum to be more secure and not depend completely on your pc because, at the end of the story, some people on the Internet are intelligent if they want to get info for take advantage of people, so take care in real life and your virtual life. Uselful info. :)

  4. these are crimes From my point of view, being that we must learn or should be taught how to detect these types of robberies that today are crimes, as well as learning these types of threats, we can stop Or stop these types of threats an alternative would be to track these users and put an end to them or buy servers that help us avoid or remove these software In many cases, the government or institutions reinforce security so that the user is more comfortable or at home, what they see or what they buy most of the time comes in the form of a link.Or mostly in the form of advertisements that are the most common and easiest to spread

  5. Well, actually the process is more complicated, you can't infect a computer like that out of the blue, you need first of all an infection method such as an email, a fishing or a file in the infected code, I would also like you to specify In how the ransom is paid, first it does not use dollars or any "traceable" currency, cryptocurrencies such as dogecoin, ethereum, tether and of course bitcoin are normally used, they also do not investigate the process after the computer is infected For example, it is recommended to reset the computer completely, unless it is important information, it is better to delete all the files, and of course also how we can avoid this type of malware, I recommend installing the McAfee or Norton antivirus, not installing any file from suspicious sources and if you are going to do it, preferably install it first in a virtual machine and see how it works on the computer.


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