A great change starting of the insignificant.


A lot of people pass your time in your thought and concerned by troubles or other things that haven’t importance if you are one of these people you may be stressed, angry, lost a lot of time, body ache, etc., the people that have these symptom is due to you don’t living yours life instead of they are surviving therefore that is important start to notice the little things of the life like breathe, in many time the people pass unobserved this little and simple action however the meditation is based principally in the breathe and this practice give us great benefits to our health.

But how is possible that a little action gives us great benefits?

When you are meditating you focus on just a thing and forget the rest thing (thought, problems, etc.) of this form you relax.

Other benefit is that when you appreciate the little things you become in a grateful person and although it doesn’t seem you start to be happier because you are able of recognize the blessings that are in around us.

 Also is possible achieve great goal with an insignificant step, the big things or goals are achieved in many times with little habits the which are constant and realized with disciple, remember this “the success is the set of small actions”, of here born the importance of the have in account the insignificant things.

Even if you are able of appreciate this things you could enjoy better of life wherefore when you are grateful you are capable of enjoy the big things and conserve it because you realize of value of the you have in your life and therefore the give it the care necessary to conserve it.

Reference: Read from the power of now of Eckhart Tolle

By: Juan Carlos Yah C.


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