Brutal shooting in Misuri


Brutal shooting in Misuri

In October 24, 2022 a disaster occurred in St. Louise, Missouri, EUA, there was a brutal shotting at the Central Middle School for Visual and Performing Arts.

According to the FBI, the attacker was identified as Orlando Harris, a college graduate, and returned to school with an AR-15 assault rifle and more than 600 projectiles with a note that read "I have no friends, I have no family."

The attacker affirmed that his family did not know anything about this and his parents affirmed that they were concerned about his mental health and that they had sent him to mental health institutes

At the Visual and Performing Arts High School, the shooting was reported after 9 o'clock in the morning, in which all the people who were there rushed out. Before long, the high school was surrounded by the police.

Early in the shooting, math teacher David Williams heard the phrase "Everyone is going to die." Professor Williams was among the first to hear the shooting and saw how the door was hit by bullets.

During interviews due to the case, many survivors stated that they were afraid and because of that they ran in a hurry. Others claimed that they closed the doors and locked them.

According to Sophomore Elijah Polhman, he said "That it was all chaos." Just as he wrote to his parents "that he loved them" and he ran away. In the interviews, many people were found writing messages to their parents.

According to police chief Michael Sack, at least 3 people were killed in the shooting, including the attacker.

After the shooting there were many demonstrations in the country about this case and previous cases of school shootings. According to many people affirm that neither the security controls, the metal detectors have been able to put a stop to this type of tragedies. Like, it is a point that opens a great debate on arms control in the country.


By: Braulio de Jesús Basto Arceo


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