Languages can change your life 

Understanding something in a different language from your native language is useful believe it or not, in your life in general, perception of different cultures, social and work-life interaction can change you. Now we are living in a globalized world in which is possible than an Indian who speaks English, living in China, and working for a German company reading a Spanish blog in their own home is possible. This makes us understand that the ambiguous tradition about having a job in your place of origin and keeping it for the rest of your life is obsolete. As someone said, "Upgrade or die ". 

The Internet has changed our lives completely, and that includes the way how we communicate and interact with people. According to Martín R. (2021) the most common languages on the internet in terms of the percentage of Internet users who use them:

-       English (25.3%)

-       Mandarin Chinese (19.8%)

-       Spanish (8%)

-       Arabic (4.8%)

-       Portuguese (4.1%)

These data were taken more than a decade ago, so today the numbers would have to be completely different and higher than before also because of the pandemic.

On top of that, learning a new language is not only knowing words, in addition, but the language can also give a new point of view about life and consequently, change your way of being and behaving indirectly and in such a way that you do not notice it. In most cases imitating the way how people from the language learned with the tone and intention of their oral expression anyone since positively or negatively. 

If you ever think to learn a new language you can start hearing music, movies, videos, or even video games, just to take an idea about their intonation and way to pronounce the words, and who knows, maybe you can meet a new that special someone speaking their native speech. And I am not telling you to study all the time, but is recommended to usually be in contact with it because if you just take a month to learn and then never know something of it for a long time, you will eventually forget it. 

We are living in the age of information, people from 1800 would be amazing with the tools that today we have, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT :)


Made by Gerardo García Romero


Martín, R. (2021, 12 mayo). ¿Qué lenguas son las más utilizadas en Internet? Forbes España.



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