Social media is hearing us

 Since internet has been made, social media has become really popular and we can think that is a really good advance for internet and people that use websites or social media because year by year the popularity of these sites increases and also new things are added in order to improve the sites like sharing photos or videos are amazing, but even if these sounds really interesting, there are some facts that make social media a little bit creepy.

    Why do I say this?, well, bigger companies want to increase their gains with publicity and social media is the best way to do this in order to do that, companies develop AI's that in some way spy users to get information of the things that they buy, places they visit, their likes, and even more, but how they do it?, well, these AI´s become really intrusive and in some ways is our fault, because things like this type of information is mention in "Terms and conditions", but we don't read these information that we would be reading, it is important to say that it is not the only way they do this, this might use other methods that we don't know.


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