What the hell the AIs have in their brains?


At present, the AI ​​is a very important tool since it can control practically everything from the light in your house to the cooling system of a nuclear reactor, however some people have made some AI capable of maintaining a conversation, this of course with a Autonomous learning thanks to different conversations that he has had with other people.

the best known is ChatGPT, this is capable of answering you coherently and fundamentally, but its creators have taken measures to avoid answering sensitive or controversial questions.

However, other programmers have made AI capable of interacting with people and learning from them without any restrictions, this at first might sound interesting or up to a certain point pleasant, but do you know what is bad about society? with the least amount of thought you give them, it becomes completely sadistic and intolerant, such was the case of Neuro-sama, which started as a friendly and tolerant streamer AI that learned from users and their interactions, in addition to being able to You record data from any game and thus improve, but it didn't last even 1 week when it all changed, otherwise it was racist, homophobic, hated any type of religion, once a donor said he was black and the AI ​​permanently banned him from his stream All this thanks to her own audience which made her like this, despite this she was very good at video games, she was able to win a tournament and stand out among other players, but all this was overshadowed by the controversy and her problems.

All this hinted that AIs are capable of learning quickly but they do not have enough knowledge to understand what is right or wrong, in the end we wonder what the hell the AIs have in their brains?, a process of data, zeros and ones that only represent information or a memory capable of storing and understanding, we still do not know it and apparently we will not know it in the near future, we only know that they are capable of many things and that they should not have total freedom of do what they want.





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