Will robots ever control the world?


Will robots ever control the world?

It is said that Future will be controled by robots in 2040 as a consequence of the accelerated development of technology that exists nowadays, but is it true? Mumber Mirza (2021) says that:

Many companies are now working to develop robots bearing human-like characteristics. Using AI techniques they can analyze the situation, talk to us, respond to our queries and thus perform certain jobs especially in the field of manufacturing and quality control in multiple industries like Automobile, electronics, and food processing.

"Atlas", robot with human funtions
desing by Boston Dynamics.
Boston Dynamics is one of them who are making quick advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. 

On the other hand, companies are interested in using robots instead of humans, since they can work detailed and they do not need any kind of rest, payment, and even feelings, which can be considered an “advantage” they have over humans.

This can lead to different problems, due to the anger of humans being replaced, making them aggressive with robots, however, it is impossible to robots to react in the same way, or at least that is what is believed.

Certainly we don’t know if robots can be aggressive or they can go out of their way or thought (the way they are programmed), it can be possible or not, it is something we discover with the pass of the time; nevertheless humans will fight against whatever hazard that threaten them.


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